In my previous blog I explained how to create a stateless bean, how to configure Hibernate model class, Hibernate hbm file and a DAO class for accessing data.
1. Mock
You can use existing HibernateUtil class or mock the class to include custom properties which is needed only for unit testing. A sample given below:
public class MockedHibernateUtil { private static SessionFactory sessionFactory; public static SessionFactory getSessionFactory() { if (null == sessionFactory) { sessionFactory = new Configuration().configure( new File("test-hibernate.cfg.xml")).buildSessionFactory(); } return sessionFactory; } }2. Mocked Service Locator
public class MockedServiceLocator { public static Object getEjb(String jndiName) throws Exception{ InitialContext initialContext = null; Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.setProperty(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "org.apache.openejb.client.LocalInitialContextFactory"); initialContext = new InitialContext(properties); return initialContext.lookup(jndiName); } }3. Mocker class
public class Mocker { public static void mockHibernateUtil() { Mockit.redefineMethods(HibernateUtil.class, MockedHibernateUtil.class); } public static void mockServiceLocator() { Mockit.redefineMethods(ServiceLocator.class, MockedServiceLocator.class); } }4. Test data provider class
public class UserInfoBeanTestDataProvider { @DataProvider(name = "testUserInfoDataProvider") public static Object[][] testUserInfoDataProvider() { return new Object[][] { { "john" }, { "tracy" }, { "leo" } }; } }5. Test class
public class HelloBeanTest { private static InitialContext initialContext; @BeforeClass public void setUp() { Mocker.mockHibernateUtil(); Mocker.mockServiceLocator(); } @Test(groups = { "usergroup" }, dataProviderClass = UserInfoBeanTestDataProvider.class, dataProvider = "testUserInfoDataProvider") public void testGetUserName(String arg) throws NamingException { Object obj = ServiceLocator.getEjb("jndi.UserInfo"); assert (null != obj) : "obj is null"; UserInfo userInfo = (UserInfo) obj; Assert.assertNotNull(userInfo.getUserName(arg)); } @AfterClass protected void tearDown() { // clean up } }
Go back to Part I
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to do the same, but using jUnit 4 instead of TestNG.
Why didn't you use the jMockit Hibernate3Emul to avoid mocking DAOs and the MOR engine? Any special issue?