Do you want to host your website free of cost? There are some hosting providers like providing free hosting. To host static HTML or basic PHP websites, this will do the job. If you are a Java developer and want to host your own web applications, you will end up in paying a huge amount where you will get only limited options.
But there is an easy and free of cost solution to set-up a virtual server at your home! You can host all your applications in your favourite web server
or application server
free of cost! Yes! you just need a reliable internet connection, that's it! Interesting, isn't it? I was searching for a cheap Java hosting(Tomcat
hosting) to host my J2EE application but I could not find any. Finally I came across some forums from where I got the idea of setting up a virtual server for hosting web applications.
What you need:
hosting service
Step 2: Click on 'Add New Hostname'
Step 3: Give the details as shown in the screen shot
You can give your own hostname and select the desired hosting service. Give your external ip address and click on 'Add To Cart' and finish the transaction(it is free).
Step 4: Now, log on to your router
's home page, normally you can access the page by using the below ip address: You will get a page similar to the below screen shot:
Step 5: Go to 'Advanced Setup' -> NAT -> Add a virtual server
Give the IP address of the computer in which your web server
is running. In my case, Tomcat is running in under the port 8080.
That's it! Your virtual server is ready. Start your application and access the home page using:
Getting the home page of router
? Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with your DNS configuration! Try to access your home page through web proxies like, Outside of your home network you will be able to see your home page!
Post your comments if you are facing any problem in setting up your own server.
1. Free website hosting
2. Dynamic DNS
3. Download Apache Tomcat
But there is an easy and free of cost solution to set-up a virtual server at your home! You can host all your applications in your favourite web server
What you need:
- An internet connection (static or dynamic IP address)
- A computer with internet access
Step 2: Click on 'Add New Hostname'
Step 3: Give the details as shown in the screen shot
You can give your own hostname and select the desired hosting service. Give your external ip address and click on 'Add To Cart' and finish the transaction(it is free).
Step 4: Now, log on to your router
Step 5: Go to 'Advanced Setup' -> NAT -> Add a virtual server
Give the IP address of the computer in which your web server
That's it! Your virtual server is ready. Start your application and access the home page using:
Getting the home page of router
Post your comments if you are facing any problem in setting up your own server.
1. Free website hosting
2. Dynamic DNS
3. Download Apache Tomcat